Source code for libraw.structs_16

""":mod:`libraw.structs` --- LibRaw struct definitions

from ctypes import *  # noqa

[docs]class ph1_t(Structure): """Contains color data read by Phase One cameras.""" _fields_ = [ ('format', c_int), ('key_off', c_int), ('t_black', c_int), ('black_off', c_int), ('split_col', c_int), ('tag_21a', c_int), ('tag_210', c_float), ]
[docs]class libraw_iparams_t(Structure): """The primary parameters of the image.""" _fields_ = [ ('make', c_char * 64), ('model', c_char * 64), ('raw_count', c_uint), ('dng_version', c_uint), ('is_foveon', c_uint), ('colors', c_int), ('filters', c_uint), ('xtrans', c_char * 6 * 6), ('cdesc', c_char * 5), ]
[docs]class libraw_image_sizes_t(Structure): """Describes the size of the image.""" _fields_ = [ ('raw_height', c_ushort), ('raw_width', c_ushort), ('height', c_ushort), ('width', c_ushort), ('top_margin', c_ushort), ('left_margin', c_ushort), ('iheight', c_ushort), ('iwidth', c_ushort), ('raw_pitch', c_uint), ('pixel_aspect', c_double), ('flip', c_int), ('mask', c_int * 8 * 4), ]
[docs]class libraw_colordata_t(Structure): """Describes all color data of the image.""" _fields_ = [ ('curve', c_ushort * 0x10000), ('cblack', c_uint * 4), ('black', c_uint), ('data_maximum', c_uint), ('maximum', c_uint), ('white', c_ushort * 8 * 8), ('cam_mul', c_float * 4), ('pre_mul', c_float * 4), ('cmatrix', c_float * 3 * 4), ('rgb_cam', c_float * 3 * 4), ('cam_xyz', c_float * 4 * 3), ('phase_one_data', ph1_t), ('flash_used', c_float), ('canon_ev', c_float), ('model2', c_char * 64), ('profile', c_void_p), ('profile_length', c_uint), ('black_stat', c_uint * 8), ]
[docs]class libraw_imgother_t(Structure): """ Information read from the raw file that is unnecessary for raw processing. """ _fields_ = [ ('iso_speed', c_float), ('shutter', c_float), ('aperture', c_float), ('focal_len', c_float), ('timestamp', c_uint), # time_t ('shot_order', c_uint), ('gpsdata', c_uint * 32), ('desc', c_char * 512), ('artist', c_char * 64), ]
[docs]class libraw_thumbnail_t(Structure): """Describes the thumbnail image embedded in the raw file.""" _fields_ = [ ('tformat', c_uint), # LibRaw_thumbnail_formats ('twidth', c_ushort), ('theight', c_ushort), ('tlength', c_uint), ('tcolors', c_int), ('thumb', POINTER(c_char)), ]
[docs]class libraw_internal_output_params_t(Structure): _fields_ = [ ('mix_green', c_uint), ('raw_color', c_uint), ('zero_is_bad', c_uint), ('shrink', c_ushort), ('fuji_width', c_ushort), ]
[docs]class libraw_rawdata_t(Structure): """ Raw image data (after it has been unpacked) and a backup copy of color info used during post processing. """ _fields_ = [ ('raw_alloc', c_void_p), ('raw_image', POINTER(c_ushort)), ('color4_image', POINTER(c_ushort * 4)), ('color3_image', POINTER(c_ushort * 3)), ('ph1_black', POINTER(c_short * 2)), ('iparams', libraw_iparams_t), ('sizes', libraw_image_sizes_t), ('ioparams', libraw_internal_output_params_t), ('color', libraw_colordata_t), ]
[docs]class libraw_output_params_t(Structure): """Output parameters for processing the image with dcraw.""" _fields_ = [ ('greybox', c_uint * 4), ('cropbox', c_uint * 4), ('aber', c_double * 4), ('gamm', c_double * 6), ('user_mul', c_float * 4), ('shot_select', c_uint), ('bright', c_float), ('threshold', c_float), ('half_size', c_int), ('four_color_rgb', c_int), ('highlight', c_int), ('use_auto_wb', c_int), ('use_camera_wb', c_int), ('use_camera_matrix', c_int), ('output_color', c_int), ('output_profile', POINTER(c_char)), ('camera_profile', c_char_p), ('bad_pixels', POINTER(c_char)), ('dark_frame', c_char_p), ('output_bps', c_int), ('output_tiff', c_int), ('user_flip', c_int), ('user_qual', c_int), ('user_black', c_int), ('user_cblack', c_int * 4), ('sony_arw2_hack', c_int), ('user_sat', c_int), ('med_passes', c_int), ('auto_bright_thr', c_float), ('adjust_maximum_thr', c_float), ('no_auto_bright', c_int), ('use_fuji_rotate', c_int), ('green_matching', c_int), ('dcb_iterations', c_int), ('dcb_enhance_fl', c_int), ('fbdd_noiserd', c_int), ('eeci_refine', c_int), ('es_med_passes', c_int), ('ca_correc', c_int), ('cared', c_float), ('cablue', c_float), ('cfaline', c_int), ('linenoise', c_float), ('cfa_clean', c_int), ('lclean', c_float), ('cclean', c_float), ('cfa_green', c_int), ('green_thresh', c_float), ('exp_correc', c_int), ('exp_shift', c_float), ('exp_preser', c_float), ('wf_debanding', c_int), ('wf_deband_treshold', c_float * 4), ('use_rawspeed', c_int), ('no_auto_scale', c_int), ('no_interpolation', c_int), ('straw_ycc', c_int), ('force_foveon_x3f', c_int), ]
[docs]class libraw_data_t(Structure): """ A container which comprises the data structures that make up libraw's representation of a raw file. """ _fields_ = [ ('image', POINTER(c_ushort * 4)), ('sizes', libraw_image_sizes_t), ('idata', libraw_iparams_t), ('params', libraw_output_params_t), ('progress_flags', c_uint), ('process_warnings', c_uint), ('color', libraw_colordata_t), ('other', libraw_imgother_t), ('thumbnail', libraw_thumbnail_t), ('rawdata', libraw_rawdata_t), ('parent_class', c_void_p), ]
[docs]class libraw_processed_image_t(Structure): """A container for processed image data.""" _fields_ = [ ('type', c_uint), ('height', c_ushort), ('width', c_ushort), ('colors', c_ushort), ('bits', c_ushort), ('data_size', c_uint), ('data', c_byte * 1), ]
[docs]class libraw_decoder_info_t(Structure): """Describes a raw format decoder name and format.""" _fields_ = [ ('decoder_name', c_char_p), ('decoder_flags', c_uint), ]